To prevent danger arising to public health during an outbreak of a dangerous epidemic disease, Explanation: Section 8B. Emergency powers for protecting the public health.--(1) If the Central Government is satisfied that India or any part thereof is visited by or threatened with an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease, and that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient for the prevention of danger arising to the public health through the introduction or spread of the disease by the agency of aircraft, the Central Government may take such measures as it deems necessary to prevent such danger.
The toxin produced by Bacillus thuringensis interferes with which part of insect body?
Trickling bed is terminology used in
FSSAI has developed a guidance document for the States to roll out the initiative
in the Place of Worship (PoW) in their respective states name...
Weed biotypes resistant to a herbicide fall susceptible to the same herbicide if not used for a long period of time is ____________ resistance
Sialic acid is a constituent of:
Variety of paprika suitable for color extraction from :
Community Development Programme was started on
Beaushening is practiced
Periclista marginicollis, sawfly, belongs to the Family______ and Order________
Codex standards are used to: