
    Under what circumstances and for what purpose can the

    Central Government take measures related to aircraft, as provided under section 8B of the Aircraft Act?
    A To promote tourism in India Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B To address natural disasters Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C To prevent danger arising to public health during an outbreak of a dangerous epidemic disease Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D To regulate international trade Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    To prevent danger arising to public health during an outbreak of a dangerous epidemic disease, Explanation: Section 8B. Emergency powers for protecting the public health.--(1) If the Central Government is satisfied that India or any part thereof is visited by or threatened with an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease, and that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient for the prevention of danger arising to the public health through the introduction or spread of the disease by the agency of aircraft, the Central Government may take such measures as it deems necessary to prevent such danger.

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