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If the intended flight of the aircraft is deemed dangerous to persons or property, Explanation: Section 8. Power to detain aircraft: (1) Any authority authorised in this behalf by the Central Government may detain any aircraft, if in the opinion of such authority: (a) having regard to the nature of an intended flight, the flight of such aircraft would involve danger to persons in the aircraft or to any other persons or property; or (b) such detention is necessary to secure compliance with any of the provisions of this Act or the rules applicable to such aircraft; or such detention is necessary to prevent a contravention of any rule made under clause (h) or clause (i) of sub-section (2) of section 5 or to implement any order made by any Court.
More than 50 accredited social health activists have requested Municipality to offer them ID cards.
Statement I: The social health activists w...
What is Surya's age?
I. Surya and his sister are the only children in Ramesh's home.
II. Surya's sister is elder to him by 5 years.
Statement: The forest department has embarked on an initiative to plant six crore saplings in the state.
I. The areas wh...
Statement: “My App” mobile app has been launched by of CISCO to help in faster dissemination of information among entrepreneurs.
Assumption I...
Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): Carbon is the only chemical element that forms the largest number of compounds.
Statement : "To curb pollution, the government has banned the use of plastic bags."
Assumptions :
I. Plastic bags contribute significa...
Statement : It is the most advanced production facility in the country, pioneering the use of advanced punched grid-making technology for two-wheeler b...
Statement: A construction worker was buried alive when mud from a 20-ft high pit collapsed on him and four others.
Assumption I: The other ...
Statement: Indian Culture is getting forgotten and the country is losing its rich heritage.
I. Westernization has affec...
Statement: A construction worker was buried alive when mud from a 20-ft high pit collapsed on him and four others.
Assumption I: The oth...