
    Which of the following obligations are laid down by

    Section 12 of Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 on banking companies, financial institutions and intermediaries?  I. maintain a record of all transactions II. maintain record of documents evidencing identity of its clients and beneficial owners III. Keep all the information maintained or furnished as confidential
    A Only I Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D I, II, III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Explanation: Section 12 of Prevention of Money Laundering Act: 1) Every reporting entity shall: (a) maintain a record of all transactions, including information relating to transactions covered under clause (b), in such manner as to enable it to reconstruct individual transactions; (b) furnish to the Director within such time as may be prescribed, information relating to such transactions, whether attempted or executed, the nature and value of which may be prescribed; (e) maintain record of documents evidencing identity of its clients and beneficial owners as well as account files and business correspondence relating to its clients.

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