Essentials of Negligence: - In an action for negligence, the plaintiff has to prove the following essentials: 1. Duty to Take Care, 2. Duty Must be Towards the Plaintiff, 3. Breach of Duty to take care, 4. That the breach of such duty was the direct and proximate cause of the damage alleged.
Nitrogen content in anhydrous ammonia
Most effective pesticides are ......................?
Which of the following are the attacking symptoms of rice weevil?
If the NPW is zero, then B/C ratio is
Given below are two statements
Statement I: C₃ plants are more efficient than C₄ plants in terms of carbon dioxide fixation
How many ATP are formed in the Krebs cycle from citric acid to alpha-ketoglutaric acid?
Transmission of grape vine fan leaf virus is by nematode:
Micro propagation is an efficient alternative method of vegetative propagation since:
A. True-to-type plants are produced.
B. Multiplicati...
The economic product of tobacco plant is
In field experimentation, local control is a device to maintain