Section 18. Maintenance of website: (3) The Authority shall review the quality of the website or the repository, based on international best practices, once every year and publish the report containing its findings with the annual report.
As per Section 58 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, what jurisdiction does the National Commission have?
One who possesses many talents ?
In which of the following reports, the Law Commission recommended the “Breakdown Principle” to be accepted as the additional ground for divorce:
As per the General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 the authorised capital of the General Insurance Corporation shall be rupees __________
According to Section 36(4) of the Code on Wages, 2019, what is the purpose of carrying forward excess allocable surplus or minimum bonus to the succeed...
Where will the headquarters of the Data Protection Board of India be located according to the provisions of the Digital Personal Data Protecti...
Substitution of old contract with new one______?
Which of the following amounts to breach of trust?
Certified copy of a document is an evidence? If yes then which type of evidence?
According to section 7(10) of the Court Fee Act, court fee in the suit for specific performance would be: