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Ans. d, As per Section 39- (1) All amounts payable to an employee by way of bonus under this Code shall be paid by crediting it in the bank account of the employee by his employer within a period of eight months from the close of the accounting year: Provided that the appropriate Government or such authority as the appropriate Government may specify in this behalf may, upon an application made to it by the employer and for sufficient reasons, by order, extend the said period of eight months to such further period or periods as it thinks fit; so, however, that the total period so extended shall not in any case exceed two years. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where there is a dispute regarding payment of bonus pending before any authority, such bonus shall be paid, within a period of one month from the date on which the award becomes enforceable or the settlement comes into operation, in respect of such dispute: Provided that if, there is a dispute for payment at the higher rate, the employer shall pay eight and one-third per cent. of the wages earned by the employee as per the provisions of this Code within a period of eight months from the close of the accounting year.
Which of the following letter-number cluster will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
TJM10, ULP12, VNS14, WPV16, XRY18, ?
Statement: Researcher Jiankui's claim that he has changed the human fetal genes has proved to be true.
Choose one of the following options
If 16 ⊕ 27 = 48 and 23 ⊕ 39 = 51 then what will be the value of 25 ⊕ 48 = ?
Kiran, Pihu, Siya, Leena, Reena and Jiya are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Kiran sits 3rd to the right of Pihu. Siya sits 2nd to th...
All beards are nails. Some nails are rings.
All rings are pendants.
I. All rings can never be n...
Three of the following words are alike in some manner and hence form a group. Which word does NOT belong to that group? (The words must be considered as...
Avinash is ranked 11th from the top in the class and Ira is ranked 7th from the bottom. If their positions get interchanged, Avinash will rank 15th from...
In a certain code language, 'CURD' is written as '342184' and 'BREAD' is written as '2181024'. How will 'BUTTER' be written in that language?
Identify the figure that does NOT belong to the following series.
Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the following words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. Word
2. Paragraph