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Explanation: Section 10. Duties how to be paid: (2) The rules made under sub-section (1) may, among other matters, regulate--(a) in the case of each kind of instrument--the description of stamps which may be used;(b) in the case of instruments stamped with impressed stamps--the number of stamps which may be used;(c) in the case of bills of exchange or promissory notes the size of the paper on which they are written.
What is the Gestation Period of buffalo?
Under what conditions do Phytophthora root and stem rots occur?
The temperature requirement of rice at blooming stage is:
Breeding value of an individual is
In plant, the cell walls of ___ cells are coagulated with the deposition of suberin which makes them impervious to water and air.
How is the Error Sum of Squares calculated in LSD?
Little leaf in mango and cashew is due to deficiency of
Which of the following is not the common pest of Rice crop?
A combination of horticultural crops, field crops and tree species is called:
Optimum condition for the spread of Ergot disease of bajra is