Explanation: Section 13 Right of grievance redressal: . (1) A Data Principal shall have the right to have readily available means of grievance redressal provided by a Data Fiduciary or Consent Manager in respect of any act or omission of such Data Fiduciary or Consent Manager regarding the performance of its obligations in relation to the personal data of such Data Principal or the exercise of her rights under the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder.
Arrangement of soil particles is referred to as:
What is the rank of India in fruit production?
Which, among the following membrane transporters, shows active transport mechanism?
First line demonstration was launched by
Which enzyme is responsible for the ripening process?
Number of leaves considered optimum for transplanting rice seedlings is
The important feature of shifting cultivation is ________
Sliver thio-sulphate is the best preservative of
Which state recently launched “Mukhyamantri Krishak Mitra Yojana” aimed at providing permanent agriculture pump connections to the farmers?
...What is one of the components of the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)?