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Section 8 of Minimum Wages Act,1948 - The Central Advisory Board shall consist of persons to be nominated by the Central Government representing employers and employees in the scheduled employments, who shall be equal in number, and independent persons not exceeding one-third of its total number of members; one of such independent persons shall be appointed the Chairman of the Board by the Central Government
In Data Communication, what protocol is used to ensure reliable transmission of data over a network?
Which of the following algorithms is best suited for finding the shortest path in a weighted graph where some edges may have negative weights but no neg...
Which command is used to undo the changes
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the SJF (Shortest Job First) scheduling algorithm?
Which of the following algorithms is most appropriate for a sorting task that requires minimal auxiliary space?
Which of the following SQL queries is used to remove a table from a database?
Which is not true about minimum spanning tree?
In intelligent systems, which of the following is a key characteristic of an expert system?
In the context of Data Modelling and Analytics, which technique is most suitable for identifying the underlying patterns in high-dimensional data withou...
Which component of a network ensures that data is delivered to the correct host in a multi-host environment?