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Section 8 of Minimum Wages Act,1948 - The Central Advisory Board shall consist of persons to be nominated by the Central Government representing employers and employees in the scheduled employments, who shall be equal in number, and independent persons not exceeding one-third of its total number of members; one of such independent persons shall be appointed the Chairman of the Board by the Central Government
What is the average number of the ATM frauds done in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu in 2018-19?
18 men or 36 women can complete a piece of work in 30 days. A man and a woman together complete the work and receive a total wage of Rs. 10,800. Find th...
Number of chocolates purchased by Amit from shop A is what percent of the total number of chocolates purchased by Sumit from shop B and D together?
If the average number of unsold items by company 'B' and 'D', together, who were presented in a competition is 'a', then find the value of 90% of 'a'.
The number of chocolates distributed in class V is approximately what percentage more/less than the number of chocolates distributed in class III and VI...
Number of male subscribers of channel B is approximately how much percent more than the number of male subscribers of channel C?
Total girls from school B and D together are what percent of total students from school C and D together?
Female workers working in 2022 are approximately what percent of the total number of workers working in 2020?
The total number of students from institute B is approximately what percent less than the number of students from institute A?
Find the ratio of number of RBI courses sold on Monday and Wednesday together to number of NABARD courses sold on Thursday.