Section 3(3) of Minimum Wages Act - Fixing of minimum rates of wages- In fixing or revising minimum rates of wages under this section,—(a) different minimum rates of wages may be fixed for— (i) different scheduled employments; (ii) different classes of work in the same scheduled employment; (iii) adults, adolescents, children and apprentices;  (iv) different localities;
Pointing to a boy, Pankaj said: He is grandson of the woman who is mother – in – law of the husband of my mother. How is the boy related to Pankaj?<...
Which of the following indicates that ‘D is grandmother of T’?
How is T related to E?
How is H related to T?
How is G related to H?
If E does not have any Granddaughter, then how many female members are there in the family?
How is G related to E?
How many male members are in the family?
If N has a brother, then how is M related to brother of N?
How is N related to the wife of S?