Section 4 of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 lays down the function of a conciliation officer which is to create a kindred atmosphere within the industry which will help the parties to settle the disputes between them. A conciliation officer is required to hold proceedings, carry out investigations regarding the dispute in a fair manner to help the parties arrive at a settlement. They are appointed to regulate settlement disputes for a specified area either for a temporary time period or permanently. While Section 11 of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 lays down the powers vested upon a conciliation officer, Sections 12 and 13 are meant for dealing with the duties of the conciliation officer.
0 7 26 63 126 215
...259, 372, 495, 618, 741, 864
4, 8, 24, 96, 485, 2880, 20160
1152 3456 432 1296 164 486
109 106 101 94 86 74
...2, 6, 44, 462, 6930, 131670
156, 182, 212, 240, 272, 306
112, 130, 155, 196, 254, 342
5000, 4050, 3240, 2268, 1360.8, 680.4
1024, 1056, 1096, 1144, 1196, 1260