As per the Constitution of India Art. 56. Term of office of President.—(1) The President shall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office: Provided that— (a) the President may, by writing under his hand addressed to the Vice-President, resign his office;
When do we observe the Rheumatoid Awareness(RA) Day?
India's leading bourse NSE has emerged as the world’s largest derivatives exchange group in 2023 by the number of contracts traded, according to the F...
What is the total financial assistance provided under the Lek Ladki Yojana (Dear Daughter scheme) approved by the Maharashtra government for families wi...
Which state has launched faceless Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) to help citizens avail facilities linked to the sector better?
What is India’s rank in Global Drug Policy Index 2021 which is released by the Harm Reduction Consortium?
Which bank has announced that it has signed a Master Inter Bank Credit Agreement with Export Import Bank of Korea for a USD 300 million line of credit t...
Which two navies participated in the annual bilateral maritime exercise Konkan 2023 held off the Konkan coast in the Arabian Sea?
SEBI constituted a Standing Committee, Market Data Advisory Committee (MDAC) headed by ______________.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) launched the 'Scheme of Penalty for non-replenishment of ATMs', in which a penalty of ₹__________ per ATM will be levied i...
What was a significant factor in the UNESCO World Heritage Committee's decision to register Japan's Sado gold mine as a cultural heritage site?