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Maharashtra Rent Control Act: Section 16 When landlord may recover possession: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act but subject to the provisions of section 25, a landlord shall be entitled to recover possession of any premises if the court is satisfied- (b) that the tenant has, without the landlord's consent given in writing, erected on the premises any permanent structure; Explanation.- For the purposes of this clause, the expression "permanent structure" does not include the carrying out of any work with the permission, wherever necessary, of the municipal authority, for providing a wooden partition, standing cooking platform in kitchen, door, lattice work or opening of a window necessary for ventilation, a false ceiling, installation of air-conditioner, an exhaust outlet or a smoke chimney.
Some cakes are bread.
All breads are biscuits.
Some biscuits are toffees.
No toffee is...
Three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II & III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance ...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the two statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. A...
Only BB are LL.
Only a few BB are DD.
No BB is AA.
A few AA are OO.
I. A...
Few Blue are Purple.
No White is Purple.
Some White is Black
I. All Blue can be W...
Some tigers are dog
Only a few dogs are cats
All cats are lions
Only a few lions are horses
Some baby are children.
No children are bad.
All bad are baby.
I. Some baby are not bad.<...
Only a few P is Q.
No Q is R.
Only a few R is S.
All S is T.
I). Some T is ...
Only wires are switches.
No wire is a board.
Only nuts are boards.
I. All switches a...
Statements : Some data are information
All information are news.
All news are statements.
Conclusions : I. All data being informa...