Only A and B that is Shruti and Smriti are the ancient sources of Hindu Law, whereas legislation and precedent are the modern sources of Hindu Law.
How is Q related to R?
How is R related to K?
How is P related to M’s son?
How is O related to S?
How J is related to son in law of L?
If there are more male members than female members and gender of H and G is same, then how is H's brother related to F?
There are six persons F, G, H, I, J, and K in a family of three generations. No single person in the family is a parent. F is the father-in-law of J, w...
In equation ‘P – Q % R & S + T’, how is P related to T?
Who among the following person is the mother of D?
In a class of 40 students, Monika is 13th from the left and Rakesh is 32th from the right end. How many students are there between...