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Exim Bank Act: Section 4. Authorised capital: (1) The authorised capital of the Exim Bank shall be ten thousand crores of rupees: Provided that the Central Government may, by notification, increase the said capital up to an amount that it may deem necessary from time to time.
Average 20 numbers is ‘x’. If the average of first 12 numbers is 65.5 while average of last 5 numbers is 72.4 and 13th, 14th a...
Special Report on sustainable recovery, seen sometimes in news, is jointly released by
Which one of the following registers is used to keep track of the next instruction to be executed?
In the Liberal Democracy index India has been placed at which position?
The Darvaza gas crater is in which of the following countries?
Which one of the following is not a female reproductive organ in humans?
Who among the following discovered Proton?
According to Dunlop, an industrial relations system comprises:
Which one of the following is not a web browser?
Let the speed of sound in air, water and iron by V a , V w and V i respectively. Which is the correct order of velocity of sound in th...