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According to Salmond, “Tort is a civil wrong for which the remedy is a common-law action for unliquidated damages, and which is not exclusively the breach of contract, or, the breach of trust, or, other merely equitable obligation.” Pigeon Hole Theory- According to this theory, several unidentified offences and wrongful conduct would not come under the purview of liability in tort law.
5 18 44 83 135 200 ...
14 15 24 49 98 ?
...64 66 70 73 ? 86
A series is 4, 5, 17, 88, 620, 5585
If another series a, b, 23, d, e, f follows the same pattern as the given number series, then find the approx...
Four terms are in proportion. The first, second and fourth terms are 4, 22, and 33. Find the third term.
3 2 2 3 8 ?
...7 26 238 962 8522 ...
25 34 61 106 169 ?
...Three series are given below. You have to find the values of P, Q and R, then establish a relationship among them.
I: 840, P , 584, 456,...
1 6 13 24 41 ?