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Contract Act, Section 220. Agent not entitled to remuneration for business misconducted: An agent who is guilty of misconduct in the business of the agency, is not entitled to any remuneration in respect of that part of the business which he has misconducted.
Minimum fertilizer for a positive crop response
With respect to Non-Communicable Diseases, which one of the following statements is INCORRECT:
Triticale, a man made cereal is a cross between
The hydraulic brakes used in automobiles is a direct application of :
India has only one locust breeding season and that is
Rodents belongs to which class of Subphylum Vertebrata?
कोडेक्स मानक निम्न में से क्या हैं ?
The organization responsible for formulating Indian Standards for fresh and processed fish is:
Zeno is a variety of
In 2020-21, exports of agriculture and allied products from India grew by ……………per cent over the previous year.