The registered office clause lists the name of the state where the company's registered office is physically located.The registered office's physical location determines which jurisdiction the Registrar of Companies and which court the company would fall under.It also confirms the company's nationality.The registered office's full address must be provided to the Registrar of Companies to simplify further communications.
What is the ESP of saline-alkaline soils?
The date after which a food product is not advisable to be marketed as its quality may have diminished, but may still be safe to consume is its:
Yield advantage is higher than the pure crops in this type of intercropping system:
Draught purpose breed of cattle is ……………
Lines passing through the least cost points in the isoquant map is called:
The development of new variety through identification and isolation of single best plant progeny is known as
Which technique was introduced to address the problem of resistance developing in bollworms against Bt cotton?
Grey speck of oat is caused due to deficiency of
What is India's approximate share in the world's cotton consumption?
Akoichi disease in rice is due to toxicity of