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Explanation: The Legal Services Authorities ActSection 3A. Supreme Court Legal Services Committee: (1) The Central Authority shall constitute a committee to be called the Supreme Court Legal Services Committee for the purpose of exercising such powers and performing such functions as may be determined by regulations made by the Central Authority.(2) The Committee shall consist of—(a) a sitting Judge of the Supreme Court who shall be the Chairman; and(b) such number of other members possessing such experience and qualifications as may be prescribed by the Central Government,to be nominated by the Chief Justice of India.
किस विकल्प में तालव्य व्यंजन नहीं है।
अस्वस्थ(1) / शिथिल(2) / हो जाते है।(3) मनुष्य (4)
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रीता ने ( 1) फल निकाला ( 2) टोकरी से ( 3) अपने हाथ से ( 4) । प्रस्त...
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