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Explanation: As per Section 37- Where in any accounting year,— (a) an employer has paid any puja bonus or other customary bonus to employee; or (b) an employer has paid a part of the bonus payable under this Code to an employee before the date on which such bonus becomes payable, then, the employer shall be entitled to deduct the amount of bonus so paid from the amount of bonus payable by him to the employee under this Code in respect of that accounting year and the employee shall be entitled to receive only the balance.
The role of a risk engineer in the insurance process is to:
A Life insurance policy for which the cost is equally distributed over the term of the premium period, remaining constant throughout is called?
What are the assumptions about rates of investment earnings, mortality, turnover and distribution or actual ages at which employees are likely to retire?
The process of determining the cost of an insurance policy based on the actual loss experience determined as an adjustment to the initial premium paymen...
Who is a good endorser for life insurance?
Which of the following public sector company have the highest shareholding in Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC)?
The Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IRM) was founded in which of the following year?
IRDAI has the power to frame regulations under which of the following Section of the Insurance Act, 1938?
A policy that covers loss or damage to a householder's property is:
Customer feels good irrespective of product he experiences ?