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S. 92. Act done in good faith for benefit of a person without consent.— Nothing is an offence by reason of any harm which it may cause to a person for whose benefit it is done in good faith, even without that person's consent, if the circumstances are such that it is impossible for that person to signify consent, or if that person is incapable of giving consent, and has no guardian or other person in lawful charge of him from whom it is possible to obtain consent in time for the thing to be done with benefit Explanation clause appended to S. 92 covers this part. Explanation.—Mere pecuniary benefit is not benefit within the meaning of sections 88, 89 and 92.
Based on the following information- calculate the initial investment in the project.
Cost of machine = Rs. 54,00,000
The stand-by Letter of Credit (LC) or Bank Guarantee (BG) issued by scheduled commercial banks for Gold (Metal) Loans should be denominated in:
Which of the following most likely increases the wealth of shareholders?
The partners’ liability in a partnership is _____
How many years will it take to double your money with yearly compounding if the rate of interest is 12%?
Identify the Organisation from the passage given below.
It was created in 1944, as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (...
Which of the following is the best explanation of the relevance of equivalent production units in process costing?