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S. 103. When the right of private defence of property extends to causing death .—The right of private defence of property extends, under the restrictions mentioned in section 99, to the voluntary causing of death or of any other harm to the wrong-doer, if the offence, the committing of which, or the attempting to commit which, occasions the exercise of the right, be an offence of any of the descriptions hereinafter enumerated, namely:— First.—Robbery; Secondly.—House-breaking by night; Thirdly.—Mischief by fire committed on any building, tent or vessel, which building, tent or vessel is used as a human dwelling, or as a place for the custody of property; Fourthly.—Theft, mischief, or house-trespass, under such circumstances as may reasonably cause apprehension that death or grievous hurt will be the consequence, if such right of private defence is not exercised.
What is the role of organizational structure in ethical decision-making?
Impartiality is characterized by:
What distinguishes privacy from confidentiality?
Why is tolerance important in a diverse society?
Which ethical principle emphasizes promoting the well-being of others and contributing to their happiness?
What is the significance of performance reviews in career advancement?
What is the primary ethical concern when public officials engage in nepotism?
When a public official engages in favoritism in the allocation of public resources, which ethical principle is compromised?
Why should civil servants be concerned about their public image?
The rule of 72 can be used to give an estimate of the time period in which an inves t ment amount can grow by ______ , given the annual rate of return.