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Within a period of one month, Explanation: Section 75A. Interest on drawback: (1) Where any drawback payable to a claimant under section 74 or section 75 is not paid within a 2[period of one month from the date of filing a claim for payment of such drawback, there shall be paid to that claimant in addition to the amount of drawback, interest at the rate fixed under section 27A from the date after the expiry of the said period of one month till the date of payment of such drawback.
362 284 393 451 144 221
...400 200 300 ? 2625 11812.5
12, 24, 72, 288, 1440, ?
21 48 173 516 1245 2576 ?
...The question below is based on the given series I. The series I satisfy a certain pattern, follow the same pattern in series II and answer the questions...
16 18 14 20 12 ?
...0 2 10 24 68 120
...1 4 13 46 ? 976
...35 18 19 30 62 ?
A’ is the nth term of the given series and ‘B’ is the (n + 1)th term of the given
series. Choose the correct statement from the following s...