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Explanation: Specific Relief Act: Section 42 Injunction to perform negative agreement: Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (e) of section 41, where a contract comprises an affirmative agreement to do a certain act, coupled with a negative agreement, express or implied, not to do a certain act, the circumstance that the court is unable to compel specific performance of the affirmative agreement shall not preclude it from granting an injunction to perform the negative agreement: Provided that the plaintiff has not failed to perform the contract so far as it is binding on him.
What is the water requirement for chicken in liter/day?
What was the full form of the DPAP programme
DNA is a polymer of
Basin lister is a tillage implement used for
Which factor primarily contributes to “sorghum sickness” observed in fields after harvesting the crop?
Assartage system is related with
Conducting method demonstration is based on the principle of
Which of the following is not the right reason for fluctuation in prices?
Which of the following is most suitable for a .
In which form of tillage, no plant is left undisturbed?