The Export Inspection Council (EIC) is the official export –certification body of India which ensures quality and safety of products exported from India. EIC was set up by the Government of India under Section 3 of the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 to ensure sound development of export trade of India through quality control and inspection and matters connected therewith. The role of EIC is to ensure that products notified under the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act 1963 are meeting the requirements of the importing countries in respect of their quality and safety.
Statements :All blues are whites.
Some whites are reds.
All yellows are reds.
Conclusions :I. Some reds are whites.
II. Some yellows are whites.
Each Local is Town.
Some Towns are State.
No Town is Village.
I: No Local is Village.
II: Some State are Locals.
Statements :No number is a symbol.
No symbol is a letter.
No letter is a draft.
Conclusions :I. No number is draft.
II. Some...
Some pens are erasers.
Only a few erasers are sharpeners.
All sharpeners are copies.
I. Some p...
Some Young are Youth.
All Youth are Teenage.
A few Teenage are Adult.
I. Some Young are not Teenage.
II. Some Youth are Adult.
What is the shortest distance between S and U?
Some buckets are mugs.
Some mugs are tubs.
All tubs are plastics.
No plastics is a white.
Conclusion: <...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Only a few Jeans is Shirt.
No Shirt is Pant.
Few Pant is Skirt.
I. Few Skirt is no...
Statements: All schools are colleges.
No college is a institute.
Conclusions: I. Some colleges are not institutes.
II. Some schoo...