The shadow meetings are conducted usually 3 months prior to the respective main Codex Meetings depending upon the availability of the agenda items under consideration. The stakeholders after going through the various agenda items for a particular meeting can submit their meaningful comments to finalise the national position. The comments shall be specific and may be followed by scientific justification or rationale behind the opinion.
The climatic scene in which (A)/the local Mafiosi close in on (B)/the inspector is (C)/bone chilling and unforgettable (D).              Â...
Look at the shorter term, (A)/the interbank market rates (B)/suggest that the cycle will (C)/turn up again early next year (D).
To combat another common pest, (A)/tent caterpillars, use a forked branch (B)/to winding up the webs (C)/and expose the caterpillars to predators (D). ...
The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that contains a spelling error.
Half the encantment of the place/w...
Glimpses to the religious side (A)/ of his nature appear in (B)/ the majority of his plays (C)/ No Error (D).
The chinampas were an ingenious (1) solution to a difficult (2) dilemma that had vexed (3) the inhabitants of the Valley of Mexico for more th...
The Supreme Court, in the first, (A)/elaborated on the need for an (B)/intersectional approach, to take into account (C)/the multiple marginalities tha...
Rise in the water level in the village and adjoining areas has laid to waterlogging and destruction of standing crops in the village.
I. During the inevitable (A) earnings call on October 29, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, announced (B) that more than a...
At the heart of the/ conflict is the government’s/ mission to capture or killing the/ leader of the terrorist group.