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Doctrine of Privity to contract means only parties to contract have a right to sue in case of breach but when the third party to a contract is due to trust, family arrangement, estoppel etc. they can also exercise such right.
Direction: In the following question, a sentence is given, divided into 5 parts. Part (E) is grammatically correct. Out of the other four parts, one pa...
Backed by procurement, remunerative and stable support prices can helping for ensuring thorugh the risk of wild swings in the production and prices ...
1. For farming, the latest climate fix isn’t especially high tech or glossy.
2. By spreading rock dust over large swatches of land, carbon diox...
I. One of the lessons learned from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the need for collected action among members of the international community to effect...
He said that he thought off politics right when (1)/ he was studying Intermediate and that (2)/ he had no fear of politics. (3)/ No error. (4)
1) Please let
2) me know
3) weather you are
4) coming or not.
5) No error
The government’s resolve to act against dodgy companies, of a saking for bringing business practices under the purview of the law, is indeed warra...
I found it difficult to removed (a) / the chewing gum that (b) / stuck to my cap (c) / No Error(d)
I. Over 120 countries have already announced their intend to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
II. Many argue that “net zero” is not...
His advice to them was to not to lose faith upon God .