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In Sadhu Singh vs State of Uttar Pradesh, law is settled that the evidence of a hostile witness cannot be rejected out right. Both parties are entitled to rely on such part of his evidence which assists their case. In Anil Sharma vs State of Uttarakhand, the admissibility of extra-judicial confession was discussed. The extra-judicial confession is a weak evidence by itself. It has to be examined by the court with greater care and caution. (ii) It should be made voluntarily and should be truthful. (iii) It should inspire confidence. (iv) An extra-judicial confession attains greater credibility and evidentiary value if it is supported by a chain of cogent circumstances and is further corroborated by other prosecution evidence. (v) For an extra-judicial confession to be the basis of conviction, it should not suffer from any material discrepancies and inherent improbabilities. (vi) Such statement essentially has to be proved like any other fact and in accordance with law. In State of Karnataka v Yarappa Reddy, the Supreme Court held that investigating officer can refer to records while giving evidence in Court. There is nothing wrong if the trial court has permitted the investigating officer from the police department to refresh his memory by referring to his investigation records while recording his evidence. But, at the same time, you will also get a right to see such investigation papers and a right to cross-examine the I.O. on the basis of such papers.
The average of 25 numbers is 40. If 2 is added to each number, then the new average will be:
The average monthly contribution of 25 members in a project is Rs. 8,400. Following a fee increase, the new monthly average contribution per member is R...
The average number of books on history, polity and geography in a library is 150, and the average number of books on history and geography is 140. If th...
In a school with 400 students, the average of the age of the boys is 16 years and that of the girls is 12 years. If the average age of the school is 14 ...
The average weight of five friends A, B, C, D and E is (x+5) years while the average weight of C and E is (x-5) kg. If the weight of another person F is...
The average score obtained by 25 students in a class test is 68 marks. The top place was shared by 3 people who got the same score. If the lowest score ...
The average number of taxis of three colours (black, white and yellow) in a taxi stand is 140. The number of black taxis is 50 more than that of yellow ...
Average age of company A is 25 years and average age of both companies A and B is 17 years. If the ratio of number of employees in company A and B is 3:...
The average expenditure of a man for the first 4 month is Rs.5000 and for the next 8 months is Rs.8000. If he saves 12000 in that year then find his ave...
The average weight of 12 students in a dance class is 45 kg. If the weight of 3 instructors is also included, then the new average weight of each person...