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In bachan singh vs state of Punjab 1980- The Apex Court laid down the doctrine of ‘rarest of the rare cases’ in awarding the death penalty. Life imprisonment is the rule, and the death sentence is awarded as an exception for those convicted for murder. Exercise of discretion under Section 354(3) of CrPC, 1973 would be exceptional. The death penalty would be awarded only in crimes that shake the collective conscience of society. The imposition of the death sentence should only be in the rarest of rare cases.
Land area needed to raise settlings for transplanting in 1 ha through spaced transplanting method of sugarcane
A shaft in tractor that transfers power from the tractor's engine to other machines or implements attached to it is ___
Pusa Deepali is a variety of:
World Fisheries day is observed on _____
Aluminium Phosphide is used to control stored grain pest _____
Which monsoon is responsible for rainfall in tamil nadu
Which of the following is not correct with respect to Eukaryotes?
Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?
Which term describes plants in which ovules are not enclosed by any ovary wall and remain exposed before and after fertilization?
Which state is highest producer of Coconut in India?