In 2014, corruption charges were made by Dr. Subramanian Swamy against Ms. Jayalathitha. Defamatory cases were filed by the State Government of Tamil Nadu against Dr. Subramanian Swamy in response to these allegations. Later, the constitutional validity of the offense of criminal defamation was challenged by Dr. Subramanian Swamy along with some other prominent politicians. This is one of the landmark cases as far as criminal defamation is concerned. This was also the first case in which the Supreme Court conducted a hearing on a frontal challenge to the constitutionality of one of the oldest and most strict laws that restrict speech, that is, criminal defamation. The challenges to the constitutionality of the offense of criminal defamation were dismissed by the Apex Court and the Court said that the restrictions that were imposed on the Right to Freedom of Expression by the criminalization of the offense of defamation were reasonable and just in nature. The Court also said that there exists a constitutional duty to respect the dignity of other people. Therefore, the constitutionality of the criminal offense of defamation under Section 499 and Section 500 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 was upheld by the Supreme Court.
A train started from station P and preceded towards station Q at a speed of 98 km/h. 30 minutes later, another train started from station Q and preceded...
When a train covered a distance of 1235km in 19 hours. Then the average speed of a car is 4 /5 the average speed of the train. Then, what will be the di...
A goods train leaves a station at a certain time and at a fixed speed. After 10 hours, an express train leaves the same station and moves in the same di...
Train A running at speed of 144 km/hr crosses a platform having twice the length of train in 24 sec. Train B whose length is 800m crosses same platform ...
If a boy walks from his house at 5 Km/hour, he reaches school 10 minutes early. If he walks at 3 km/hour he reaches 10 minutes late. What is the distanc...
Train A running at a speed of 48 km/hr crosses train B in 20 seconds. Find the speed of train B (in km/hr), if the sum of the length of train A and B is...
Two trains start at the same time from Patna and Delhi and proceed toward each other at the speed of 120 km/hr and 60 km/hr respectively. When they meet...
Two trains approach each other at 22 kmph and 26 kmph from 2 places 240 km apart. After how many hours they will meet?
Two trains of equal lengths take 20 seconds and 30 seconds respectively to cross a telegraph post. If the length of each train be 360 metres, in what ti...
Train A. running at the speed of 80 km/hr crossed train B. running at the speed of 70 km/hr in the opposite direction. Both trains finish crossing each ...