In A C Narayan vs State of Maharashtra, the court held that that the powerofattorney holder may be allowed to file, appear and depose for the purpose of issue of process for the offence punishable under Section 138 of the NI Act. An exception to the above is when the powerofattorney holder of the complainant does not have a personal knowledge about the transactions then he cannot be examined. However, where the attorney holder of the complainant is in charge of the business of the complainant payee and the attorney holder alone is personally aware of the transactions, there is no reason why the attorney holder cannot depose as a witness. Nevertheless, an explicit assertion as to the knowledge of the powerofattorney holder about the transaction in question must be specified in the complaint.
An amount of money is divided among L, M and N in the ratio of 3:4:7, respectively. If the amount received by N is Rs.6000 more than the amount received...
P, Q and R together started a business. Four times the investment of P equals five times the investment of Q and the capital of Q is twice that of R. Fi...
In an office, the ratio of the number of males to number of females is 13:9. If 3 males joined the class and 7 females left the class, then the ratio of...
In an office, the ratio of the number of males to number of females is 12:7. If 4 males joined the officeand 5 females left the office, then the ratio o...
In an office, the ratio of the number of males to number of females is 9:4. If 2 males joined the class and 8 females left the class, then the ratio of ...
An amount of money is divided among L, M and N in the ratio of 2:3:6, respectively. If the amount received by N is Rs.6000 more than the amount received...
Marks scored by A and B in a test are in the ratio 13:8 respectively. If B had scored 4 more marks, then marks scored by A would be 30% more than that o...
In an office, the ratio of the number of males to number of females is 11:7. If 2 males joined the class and 6 females left the class, then the ratio of...
In an office, the ratio of the number of males to number of females is 11:8. If 3 males joined the class and 6 females left the class, then the ratio of...
Total population of city P and Q is 2240 and 2650 respectively. If the ratio of number of males to females in city is P and Q is 4:3 and 3:2 respectivel...