The Court discussed the meaning and application of Section 14 of the Specific Relief Act, which talks about the contracts which are not specifically enforceable. The court considered Section14 for coming to a conclusion in this case. Section 14(d) of the Specific Relief Act,1963 expressly provides that where there is a performance which involves continuous work and it becomes difficult for the court to supervise, in such situations the court should not pass any order.
When male flowers are borne on one plant and female flower on a different plant the species is
Which of the following shows epigeal germination?
What is the required conversion period for an organic farm to be certified?
Bt term was discovered by ………………………… while working on ………..disease of silkworm.
...Under PMAY-G, how much is the minimum house size including a dedicated cooking area to be built?
A wide variety of living organisms is called
What does LP stand for in the context of milk preservation?
CNSL is extracted from the fruits of
After tillage operations the Bulk density of tilled soil as compared to untilled soil
An autonomous commercial policy instrument, directed to promote and sustain mutual trade and to develop economic co-operation among countries is termed...