The importance of knowledge and communication, in formation of a contract was laid down in_____________
In this case it was observed that the fundamental necessity of a valid contract is the knowledge and assent of a proposal in order to convert the proposal into an enforceable agreement.
What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the given expression so that the expression T > Z is definitely true and Y ≥ W is definitely...
Statements: A ≤ E, P < Q > X, E = P, Y ≥ Z = A
I. Q > E
II. E < X
Statements: A$K; E#N; K@E
I) A$N
Statements: E > O, S < Z, O ≤ S
I. E < S
II. O < Z
How many such pairs of letter are there in the word TELEPHONE, each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces (_) respectively (in the same order from left to right) to complete the given expre...
C > D ≥ E ≤ F; Y ≥ Z ≥ A = C
I. Y > F
II. F ≥ Y
In which of these expression ‘X > T’ is definitely True?
Statements: I > E ≥ F; G < D ≤ I; J < E ≤ H
I. G < E
II. H ≥ F
III. E < D
Statements: T < U = V = W < X < Y; Z = Y < R < S < O
I. Z > U
II. T < O