
    In N.P. Thirugnanam v.Dr. R.J. Mohan Rao the Court was of the view that____________

    A A plaintiff not ready and willing to perform his part of the contract would not be entitled to a specific performance decree Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B When a contract is valid no doubt of it being cancelled arises and when it is void ab initio then also no option of cancelling it arises as it is not present in the eyes of law Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only fact to be proved by appellant is that they held a valid title to the property and were entitled to the property Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Minor who entered into a contract by making a false representation about his age, though not liable under the contract, may be required in equity to return the benefit he received Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The Court held that when a contract is valid no doubt of it being cancelled arises and when it is void ab initio then also no option of cancelling it arises as it is not present in the eyes of law. When a contract has no existence, no action is enforced on it.

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