
    Who grants recognition to the Stock Exchange, as per SCRA Act?

    A SEBI Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Central Government Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Central Government on recommendation of SEBI Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D SEBI on recommendation of Central Government Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E SAT Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 4 of SCRA - Grant of recognition to stock exchanges If the Central Government is satisfied, after making such inquiry as may be necessary in this behalf and after obtaining such to further information, if any, as it may require,— (a) that the rules and bye-laws of a stock exchange applying for registration are in conformity with such conditions as may be prescribed with a view to ensure fair dealing and to protect investors; (b) that the stock exchange is willing to comply with any other conditions (including conditions as to the number of members) which the Central Government, after consultation with the governing body of the stock exchange and having regard to the area served by the stock exchange and its standing and the nature of the securities dealt with by it, may impose for the purpose of carrying out the objects of this Act; and (c) that it would be in the interest of the trade and also in the public interest to grant recognition to the stock exchange; it may grant recognition to the stock exchange subject to the conditions imposed upon it as aforesaid and in such form as may be prescribed.

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