In the case of Bhim Singh Vs. State of J and K, the principle of Injuria Sine Damnum was applied. In this instance, Bhim Singh was a member of the J&k State Legislative Assembly who was detained by state police while on his way to a legislative assembly vote and detained indefinitely without charge. His wife filed a Habeas Corpus petition to gain his malafide release. The apex Court determined MLA Bhim Singh’s democratic right & awarded him Rs. 50,000 in compensatory losses. In addition, the appropriate police official was penalized for neglect of duty and misconduct.
Which of the following combinations of Exam - Day - Time Duration is correct?
Whose family consists of total three members?
In a certain way, COO is related to W and PO is related to X, then MD is related to___?
P = T < U; Y ≥ P < R; X ≤ Y > Z
I. R < U
II. Y > T
Who lives in Flat-A of 3rd floor?
If all the persons from the top of the building live in ascending order of their experience then, the floor of how many persons remains unchanged?
What is the position of Box D with respect to Box G?
Who among the following attends music class on Wednesday?
Six boxes H, I, J, K, L and M are kept one above another. The bottommost box is numbered as 1 and the topmost box is numbered as 6. H is three boxes bel...
Four of the following five form a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the following does not belong to that group?