Indian Partnership Act S.15. APPLICATION OF THE PROPERTY OF THE FIRM. Subject to the contract between the partners, the property of the firm shall be held and used by the partners exclusively for the purposes of the business.
When an allele of one gene hides or masks the visible output, or phenotype, of another gene it is known as:
Which hormone act as selective weed killer?
Technology in which plants are grown without soil is known as:
T he percentage of NPK (approximately) in Farm Yard Manure (FYM)is?—
What is Grouped data based on class intervals represented on a graph called?
The ratio between C and N crop residue generally ranges between __ ?
The toxicity of BHC insecticide is due to ____
ICBN (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature) is related to terminology of_?
Which of the following is not a base?
When was the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) established?