
    Where any asset reconstruction company or any person fails to comply with any direction issued by the Reserve Bank under this Act the adjudicating authority may, by an order, impose a penalty

    A Not exceeding one crore rupees or twice the amount involved in such failure where such amount is quantifiable, whichever is more Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Not exceeding five crore rupees or twice the amount involved in such failure where such amount is quantifiable, whichever is more Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Not exceeding one crore rupees or thrice the amount involved in such failure where such amount is quantifiable, whichever is less Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Not exceeding one crore rupees or thrice the amount involved in such failure where such amount is quantifiable Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Not exceeding two crore rupees or thrice the amount involved in such failure where such amount is quantifiable, whichever is more Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    30A. Power of adjudicating authority to impose penalty.—(1) Where any asset reconstruction company or any person fails to comply with any direction issued by the Reserve Bank under this Act the adjudicating authority may, by an order, impose on such company or person in default, a penalty not exceeding one crore rupees or twice the amount involved in such failure where such amount is quantifiable, whichever is more, and where such failure is a continuing one, a further penalty which may extend to one lakh rupees for every day, after the first, during which such failure continues

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