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When one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to such act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal Advertisement in newspaper inviting tenders is invitation for proposal and not proposal per se.
There are concerns that the introduction of GM genes into non-target speceis could have negative consequences for both human and environmental ...
My overall (A) / financial (B) / goal is to build (C) / suffecient (D) / wealth.
In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correct word.
Select the word with the correct spelling.
Select the word with the correct spelling .
Select the wrongly spelt word.
Read the following sentences carefully, choose the one that is grammatically/contextually incorrect, and mark it as your answer.
Choose the correctly spelt word.
Choose the correctly spelt word.
The comittee has decided to relese the report by next week, despite some minor inconvieniences.