Option 1 ….Section 61 - Proof of contents of documents - The contents of documents may be proved either by primary or by secondary evidence Option 2 ….Section 62 - Primary evidence - Primary evidence means the document itself produced for the inspection of the Court Option 3 …. Section 62 - Primary evidence - Where a document is executed in counterpart, each counterpart being executed by one or some of the parties only, each counterpart is primary evidence as against the parties executing it Option 4 …..Section 60 - Oral evidence must be direct – Oral evidence must, in all cases whatever, be direct.
Pusa Deepali is a variety of:
Assuming bulk density and particle density of a soil as 1.5 and 2.5 g/cc, respectively, value of porosity will be:
A cross between a single cross hybrid and an inbreed {(A × B) × C} is
Rubber research institute is established at
Simplest and widely adopted system of planting in orchards is
Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
Which of the following given options, the cellular and molecular control of programmed cell death called?
Lime dressing raises the top 150 mm of soil of pH
The short range forecasting is issued twice a day and is valid for _____________________
Adsali crop of sugarcane takes a period of maturity of