S. 52. In civil cases character to prove conduct imputed, irrelevant . –– In civil cases, the fact that the character of any person concerned is such as to render probable or improbable any conduct imputed to him, is irrelevant, except in so far as such character appears from facts otherwise relevant. S. 53. In criminal cases previous good character relevant . –– In criminal proceedings, the fact that the person accused is of a good character, is relevant.
An asset is purchased for Rs.50,000 on which depreciation is provided annually according to the straight-line method, the useful life is 10 years and t...
Which of the following functions are not performed by servers?
Fill in the blanks by selecting appropriate word/s the List II.
List I:
1. The _________ ratios are primarily measures of return: 2. Th...
Donation given by any person except by Indian company to Political Parties or Electoral Trust is allowed under which section?
Offences Committed under the Negotiable Instruments Act can be ________.
Which of the following best describes "Ind-AS" in accounting?
Advance amount received from customers is not considered as sale. It is based on which concept?
Under which section of the Income Tax Act, 1961, can an individual claim a deduction for the payment of Medical/Health Insurance Premium?
The profit is 50% on sales. What is its percentage on cost?
Which section deals with TDS on cash withdrawals?