As per Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code, 1959 S. 59. Variation of land revenue according to purpose for which land is used. – (1) The assessment of land revenue on any land shall be made with reference to the use of land- (a) for the purpose of agriculture or such farm house, which is situated on holding of one acre or more; (b) as sites for dwelling houses; (c) for purposes other than those specified in item (a), (b), (d) or (e); (d) for industrial or commercial purpose; (e) for the purpose of mining under a mining lease within the meaning of Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 (No. 67 of 1959); (f) Residential Colony/Project; (g) Public/Institutional Purpose; (h) Medical Facilities Center.
Against which act Mahatma Gandhi asked people to observe 6 April 1919 as a day of non-violence opposition?
As of January 2022, what is the rate of premium on the sum assured in the case of Kharif Food & Oilseeds crops under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana"?
Through what financial mechanism did Bank of India (BoI) recently secure ₹4,500 crore by issuing approximately 44.91 crore equity shares at an issue p...
Arundhati Bhattacharya was the first women chairperson of which of the following public sector bank?
'A Grain Of Sand In The Hourglass of Time’ is an autobiography of which Indian politician?
Under 80C of income tax, which of the following does not get tax rebate?
What is the primary objective of deworming livestock?
U.S. Open is a grand slam tournament, which game is related to it?
India is considered to be which of the following types of economy?
Which Constitutional Amendment gave constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj Institutions?