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Rent controller shall execute the order through S. 11. Execution of the Order. - (1) The Rent Controller shall, on application of any party, execute, in the manner prescribed, a final order or any other order passed under this Act by adopting any one or more of the following modes, namely ;- (a) attachment and sale of the movable or immovable property of the opposite party; (b) arrest and detention of the opposite party; (c) attachment of any one or more bank accounts of the opposite party and satisfaction of the amount of order to be paid from such account ; (d) attachment of salary and allowance of a Government Servant or employee of any Nationalized Bank, Local Authority, Corporation, Government Company; (e) appointing any advocate as Commissioner on such remuneration as may be fixed or deputing any officer of the Tribunal or local administration or local body for execution of the order; (f) delivery of possession of the premises to the applicant.
Commercial hybrid rice seed production in India is mostly done through
What technological advancements have been launched by the Centre in the context of crop insurance?
In North India rivers are perennial during the period of
Which of the following weeds has a cup-shaped corolla?
Floating gardening is very much common in ___ state.
For fiber purpose jute crop should be harvested at which of the following stage?
The crossing of F1 with one of its parents which play important role to develop disease resistance in plants is termed as ………………….
...Which sheep breed is known for its black face and legs?
Yield of crops losses due to weed infestation is:
Which of the following is a symptom of Yellow Leaf disease in sugarcane?