As per Indian Evidence Act, 1872- S. 119. Witness unable to communicate verbally. –– A witness who is unable to speak may give his evidence in any other manner in which he can make it intelligible, as by writing or by signs; but such writing must be written and the signs made in open Court, evidence so given shall be deemed to be oral evidence: Provided that if the witness is unable to communicate verbally, the Court shall take the assistance of an interpreter or a special educator in recording the statement, and such statement shall be video graphed.
Which mechanism refers to the presence of unisexual flowers on separate plants, as seen in plants like papaya and spinach?
……………………………… studies are used for identification of biochemical markers.
...Which among the following can be classified as often cross pollinated species?
…………… method helps in maintaining high genetic variability in a population due to repeated intermating of heterozygous plants/populations.
...Which method is primarily used for genetic improvement in highly heterozygous, asexually propagated species like sugarcane and potato?
In Pure lines election a large number of plants are selected from a ………………… and harvested individually
When pollen from a flower of one plant falls on the stigmas of other flowers of the same plant, as in Maize is known as
What is the genetic term used to describe mating between individuals related by descent or ancestry?
………………………………. provides maximum opportunity for the breeder to use his skills for selection of desirable plants from segregating ...
What term is used to describe the population that results from the sowing of hybrid seeds?