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As per s. 159. Refreshing memory. –– A witness may, while under examination, refresh his memory by referring to any writing made by himself at the time of the transaction concerning which he is questioned, or so soon afterwards that the Court considers it likely that the transaction was at that time fresh in his memory. The witness may also refer to any such writing made by any other person, and read by the witness within the time aforesaid, if when he read it he knew it to be correct When witness may use copy of document to refresh memory. –– Whenever a witness may refresh his memory by reference to any document, he may, with the permission of the Court, refer to a copy of such document: Provided the Court be satisfied that there is sufficient reason for the non-production of the original. An expert may refresh his memory by reference to professional treatises.
A witness:
The limitation period of prosecutions under section 27 of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 is —
What is the entitlement of a person who supplies necessaries to someone incapable of entering into a contract or someone legally bound to support them u...
Marshaling can be made by:
What is the definition of "wrongful loss" as per IPC?
Which of the following cases is also known as “Habeas Corpus Case”?
Section 96 of CPC applies to appeal from:
XYZ Co, is having 15% share capital held by X Company and 50% held by Central Government and 10% held by State Government and 25% held by other people t...
The official language of the Union shall be-
What is the punishment for habitual offender under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988?