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According to Section 2(i) “judicial proceeding” includes any proceeding in the course of which evidence is or may be legally taken on oath. A judicial proceeding is an action before a court of law that is presided over by a judge.
If each observation is halved then the coefficient of quartile deviation
To estimate the average work experience of MBA students at a management institute, five students are selected at random from each type of background, s...
A random sample of 100 ball bearings selected from a shipment of 2000 ball bearing has an average diameter of 0.354 inches with standard deviation 0.04...
If price-quantity are related for base year (0) and current year (1) are
∑ : p0q0 = 260,∑ : p1q0 = 395,∑ : p0q1 = 264,∑ : p1q1 = 422, t...
If the first, second, and third moment about the origin are 2, 8, and 18 respectively, then third moment about mean is
If r and R denote correlation and multiple correlation coefficient for the data set for X1, X2 and X3 . Which option is correct?
For completely randomized design for k treatments and n observations, yif = response from the jth unit receiving ith treatment, ...