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All are correct laid down in Sharad Birdichand Sharda vs State of Maharashtra . Sharad Birdhichand Sharda v. State of Maharashtra case becomes the Landmark Judgement of Evidence Law which always helps in the interpretation of Circumstantial Evidence, Hearsay Evidence, Dying Declaration and Relevancy of the Evidences. SC introduced one Panchsheel Test for the Relevancy of the Evidences which will be applied in such type of cases where Direct Evidences are not available.
What is the maximum amount of flexible limit is provided (as Flexi KCC) based on the land holding?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken a significant step towards strengthening its presence in North East India by opening a sub-office in which City?
At present how many DRTs are in function?
In which article of the Indian Constitution is the appointment and removal process of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India defined?
How many tiers are there in the Panchayati Raj structure?
Which district in Haryana has a nuclear power plant?
Which of the following is the largest wildlife sanctuary in India?
Which ecologist is famous for studying plant life in the Indiana Dunes in 1896?
Where did the 14th Global Immigration Summit take place?
In which year did Albert Einstein predict a new state of matter, the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), based on a quantum formulation by the Indian physi...