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All are correct laid down in Sharad Birdichand Sharda vs State of Maharashtra . Sharad Birdhichand Sharda v. State of Maharashtra case becomes the Landmark Judgement of Evidence Law which always helps in the interpretation of Circumstantial Evidence, Hearsay Evidence, Dying Declaration and Relevancy of the Evidences. SC introduced one Panchsheel Test for the Relevancy of the Evidences which will be applied in such type of cases where Direct Evidences are not available.
At the 17th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas Convention Centre, the Madhya Pradesh government has signed _____ number of MoU’s with different countries.
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the given below the Lists :
Which ministry organized the Poshan Utsav event in February 2024?
What is the motto incorporated under India's National Emblem?
“Eyes on the Solar System” 3D visualization tool is being launched by which of the countries?
What do you understand by population density?
Which of the following Pariyojana is common to Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Nepal?
Recently the Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah inaugurated the 120 feet tall polo statue in which of the following states of India?
Which of the following is the 71st district of Uttar Pradesh?
Which gas is commonly known as laughing gas?