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All are correct laid down in Sharad Birdichand Sharda vs State of Maharashtra . Sharad Birdhichand Sharda v. State of Maharashtra case becomes the Landmark Judgement of Evidence Law which always helps in the interpretation of Circumstantial Evidence, Hearsay Evidence, Dying Declaration and Relevancy of the Evidences. SC introduced one Panchsheel Test for the Relevancy of the Evidences which will be applied in such type of cases where Direct Evidences are not available.
A number is increased by 45% and then decreased by 30%. What is the overall percentage change (increase or decrease) in the number?
Mohan goes to a sports shop with some money. He can buy 100 footballs or 50 basketballs with the money with him. However, instead of spending the entire...
A shopkeeper acquires 24 pens at Rs. 900 each and 12 geometry boxes at Rs. 300 each. Later, he sells 2 pens to each of the 12 students, presenting them ...
If the length of a rectangle is increased by 60%, what would be the percentage decrease (correct to the nearest integer) in the width to maintain the s...
In an election with only two candidates, 15% of the eligible voters did not cast their votes. Out of the total votes cast, 105 votes were declared inval...
In a survey conducted in a locality, it was found that 50% read newspaper A, 40% read newspaper B, and 20% read neither A nor B. If the number of person...
Out of 400 students in school, 40% students like samosa only and 20% students like samosa and momos both. If 30% students don’t like any snacks then f...
The income of ‘A’ increases by 35% every year. If the present income of ‘A’ is Rs. 45562.5 and his expenditure 2 years ago from now was Rs. 1200...
The price of a laptop undergoes two consecutive changes over two months. In the first month, its price decreases by 10%, followed by an increase of 20% ...
Raja donates 16% of his savings to an old age home, 16% to an orphanage and 16% to an institute providing medical aid. Deposits the remaining amount of ...