The principle “facts speak for themselves” can be expressed by the maxim_______
Res ipsa loquitur is a Latin phrase, which literally translates to “ the thing speaks for itself.” An essential part of any personal injury case is being able to show that the other party's wrongdoing or negligence caused the injury at issue. Sometimes, an injured party is unable to show direct evidence of negligence.
In canning the slowest-heating point referred to as…….
Match the following
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of:
T.S.S of jam is(ºBrix)
Fats are solid at room temp. due to the presence of ……Fatty acids
Which statement is true about bacterial spore?
Meat is a product
(i) Virus (a) E.coli
(ii) protozoan (b) hepatitis A
(iii) bacteria (C ) plasmodium
(iv) fungi (d) Ringworm
Which of the following factors can influence the efficiency of blanching
a) The size and shape of the pieces of food
b) T...
Which of the following conditions ‘Probiotics’ are needed to people?
a. People with strong immune system
b. People no...