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From the date of incorporation mentioned in the certificate of incorporation, such subscribers to the memorandum and all other persons, as may, from time to time, become members of the company, shall be a body corporate by the name contained in the memorandum, capable of exercising all the functions of an incorporated company under this Act and having perpetual succession power to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and immovable, tangible and intangible, to contract and to sue and be sued, by the said name.
Rohit did not came to the office because he got held up due to the heavy rains.
In the question given below, a sentence is given, divided into parts. One of the parts may contain an error. Identify the part that contains the error,...
Let's start by (A)/reviewing what we (B)/do last week (C)./No Error
This was an illusion to the most (A)/infamous murder committed by (B)/the two anti-heroines of the book (C)/as they are on the run through France (D).Â...
Jumping out of the buggy he put Dorothy's (1)/ suit-case under the seat and her (2)/ bird-cage on the floor in front. (3)/No error (4)
Read the given sentence to find out whether there are any grammatical/contextual errors in it. The errors, if any, will be in two of the phrases of the...
The authorities have begun removing the hoardings and (A)/the posters put up with the political parties (B)/through Uttar Pradesh as the model code of ...
Select the option that contains a grammatical error in the underlined portion.
There are three cupholders placed on the cupboards of the secretariat table.
Due to late flowering, (1)/the season will (2)/start late and end late (3)/than usual this year (4).
Find the appropriate word.