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Under section 251 Code of Criminal Procedure, when the accused appears or is brought before the Magistrate, particulars of the offence with which he is accused or the accusation leveled against the accused shall be stated to him and he shall be asked whether he pleads guilty or has any defence to make. Either in summary trial cases or in summons procedure cases, it is not at all necessary to frame a charge against the accused person. If the accused pleads not guilty and claims to be tried after his examination under section 251 Cr.PC in a summary trial case, court has to conduct trial by following the procedure for summary trials and pronounce judgment under section 264 Cr.PC.
7 years ago, the ratio of the ages of A and B was 1:2 and after 7 years it will become 3:5. Find their present ages.
At present, Peter is Seven years younger than Adam. Adam’s age twenty years hence will be equal to thrice that of peter Five years ago. What will ...
Three years ago, 'B' was twice as old as 'A'. In three more years, 'B' will be 60% older than 'A'. What is 'A's current age?
Which of the following is a video format?
Present age of ‘A’ is 40% more than that of ‘B’. If 11 years hence from now, ‘B’ will be 5 years younger than ‘A’, then find the sum of ...
The birth year of three siblings are consecutive. The present age of the eldest sibling is 10% more than the present age of the youngest sibling. What i...
The ratio of present ages of Rohan to his father is 2:7, and the ratio of present ages of Rohan to his mother is 3:10. If Rohan's...
The average age of a group of 30 men is 32 years. Five men, whose average age is 24 years, leave the group. What is the new average age of the remainin...
Rishi's current age is 56.25% greater than Dimple's current age. In four years, Dimple will be 20 years old. Selina is 5 years younger than Rishi, while...
There are 6 children in a family. The average age of the children is 14 years. If the present age of their mother and father is added, the average age o...